a site-specific collage installation
July 8 - July 31, 2022
Oening reception: Friday, July 8, 5:30 - 8:30pm
a site-specific collage installation
July 8 - July 31, 2022
Oening reception: Friday, July 8, 5:30 - 8:30pm

mhPORJECTnyc is proud to present Alissa D. Polan's collage installation, MATERIALISTIC AND FINE WITH IT.
Invasive digital entities know us better than we know ourselves. Companies track our every click with Recommendation Algorithms. These algorithms utilize our query and purchase history to anticipate our interests - transforming them into predictions for future purchases. We surrender to being watched online and simply by participating, we willingly lose control over our perception of discovery.
The source materials for Alissa D. Polan's solo presentation at mhPROJECTnyc, MATERIALISTIC AND FINE WITH IT, both on the walls and the 2D works, are the artist's screenshots of every item she has searched from the summer of 2021 to 2022. Anything she needed, coveted, or craved – home décor, clothes, vacations, dental floss, packing tape, shoes, vibrators – was documented and the images used for this exhibition. In this series, Polan openly contemplates, "In a world so desperate to make you feel like individuality is expressed through consumption, can a portrait of my identity be built from data, algorithms, and the accumulation of the things I desire?"
Alissa D. Polan is an artist, art advisor and curator. She has attended residencies internationally and her collages and installations have been widely exhibited, including the Sonoma Valley Museum of Art, (Sonoma, CA), Joya: arte + ecología / AiR (Andalucía, Spain), Paradice Palase, NY, LMAKgallery, (New York, NY), Arlington Arts Center (Arlington, VA), Heather Marx Art Advisory (San Francisco, CA), and Klowden Mann (Culver City, CA). She is the recipient of the Spring 2020 Photography Award and was recently featured in Vast Art Magazine. She received her MFA in Sculpture from SFAI (San Francisco, CA). Alissa currently lives and works in Brooklyn, New York.
IG: Lissisme W: