Let’s paint your COLORS OF LIGHT
オープニングワークショップ I 2024年11月10日(日)13時〜15時

photo by Vera Miljkovic

workshop & installation
A site-specific painting installation
November 10 - December 29, 2024
mhPROJECT_Nokogirini in Japan is pleased to present the fall 2024 exhibition “COLORS OF LIGHT” a site-specific painting installation by Yukari Edamitsu, who continues to pursue an abstract painting expression in New York.
Edamitsu attempts to create an installation that she prepares dozens of small oil painted canvases, and lay them down horizontally and vertically to form one large painting as if made canvas collage. They are in the space of a former woolen factory, illuminated by various types of light coming from the high north windows.
Edamitsu doesn't think that the admiration and treat that humans feel toward the sun, moon, stars, and their natural phenomena is felt only by those of us living today. She imagines that ancient people looked up at the sky in the same way and asked the same questions of human existence, “Who are we and where are we going?” She wants to creat works that address the primitive thoughts that humans feel, as well as the aspirations and passion for eternal natural phenomena.
After completeting graduate school at Kyoto City University of Arts, she participated International Studio & Curatorial Program ( ISCP) in New York City as an overseas artist dispatched by the Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japan.Based on abstract painting, she also works on collage and photography at the dame time, continuing a production style that interacts with each other. Also, she was a head production assistant for the last 14 years of Zarina Hashrmi, who was a renowned Indian female artist in this century. She has exhibited at VOCA 98, Uenonomori Art Museum, Tokyo, Seison Art Art Program, Arting Tokyo 2000: Queens International 2006: Chashama Lobby Gallery, 2016, NY: mhPROJECTnyc, 2018, NY, and Gallery LTD, 2020, NY.
For more information, visit:
A site-specific painting installation
November 10 - December 29, 2024
mhPROJECT_Nokogirini in Japan is pleased to present the fall 2024 exhibition “COLORS OF LIGHT” a site-specific painting installation by Yukari Edamitsu, who continues to pursue an abstract painting expression in New York.
Edamitsu attempts to create an installation that she prepares dozens of small oil painted canvases, and lay them down horizontally and vertically to form one large painting as if made canvas collage. They are in the space of a former woolen factory, illuminated by various types of light coming from the high north windows.
Edamitsu doesn't think that the admiration and treat that humans feel toward the sun, moon, stars, and their natural phenomena is felt only by those of us living today. She imagines that ancient people looked up at the sky in the same way and asked the same questions of human existence, “Who are we and where are we going?” She wants to creat works that address the primitive thoughts that humans feel, as well as the aspirations and passion for eternal natural phenomena.
After completeting graduate school at Kyoto City University of Arts, she participated International Studio & Curatorial Program ( ISCP) in New York City as an overseas artist dispatched by the Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japan.Based on abstract painting, she also works on collage and photography at the dame time, continuing a production style that interacts with each other. Also, she was a head production assistant for the last 14 years of Zarina Hashrmi, who was a renowned Indian female artist in this century. She has exhibited at VOCA 98, Uenonomori Art Museum, Tokyo, Seison Art Art Program, Arting Tokyo 2000: Queens International 2006: Chashama Lobby Gallery, 2016, NY: mhPROJECTnyc, 2018, NY, and Gallery LTD, 2020, NY.
For more information, visit:
mhPROJECT_ノコギリニ 、2024年秋の展覧会は、抽象絵画表現をNYで追求し続ける画家、枝光由嘉里のサイトスペシフィック・ペインティング・インスタレーション「光のいろ」を展示します。
京都市立芸術大学大学院を修了後、文化庁海外芸術家派遣でニューヨークのISCPに参加、渡米する。抽象 絵画を基礎として、コラージュ、写真も同時に取り組み、交互作用する制作スタイルを継続している。世界的にも知られたインド系アメリカ人、女性アーティストZarina Hashrmi のヘッドプロダクションアシスタントをZarina生涯最後の14年間務める。日本で の展示は、VOCA’98/上野の森美術館、セゾンアートプログラムアートイング東京2000などがあり、ニュー ヨークではChashama Lobby Gallery、mhPROJECTnycでの個展、The Re InsDtuteでの3人展、Queens InternaDonal 2006/クイーンズ美術館, NY日本人女性作家16人展などのグループ展がある。960枚の写真 シリーズ「Catch the Sun」がPricewaterhouseCoopersのマンハッタン本社に新築ビルの建設とともに購入さ れ、常設展示されている。
mhPROJECT_ノコギリニ 、2024年秋の展覧会は、抽象絵画表現をNYで追求し続ける画家、枝光由嘉里のサイトスペシフィック・ペインティング・インスタレーション「光のいろ」を展示します。
京都市立芸術大学大学院を修了後、文化庁海外芸術家派遣でニューヨークのISCPに参加、渡米する。抽象 絵画を基礎として、コラージュ、写真も同時に取り組み、交互作用する制作スタイルを継続している。世界的にも知られたインド系アメリカ人、女性アーティストZarina Hashrmi のヘッドプロダクションアシスタントをZarina生涯最後の14年間務める。日本で の展示は、VOCA’98/上野の森美術館、セゾンアートプログラムアートイング東京2000などがあり、ニュー ヨークではChashama Lobby Gallery、mhPROJECTnycでの個展、The Re InsDtuteでの3人展、Queens InternaDonal 2006/クイーンズ美術館, NY日本人女性作家16人展などのグループ展がある。960枚の写真 シリーズ「Catch the Sun」がPricewaterhouseCoopersのマンハッタン本社に新築ビルの建設とともに購入さ れ、常設展示されている。